Monday, October 19, 2009

Rollin' Rollin' Rolling on the Carpet

Today I watched Miss K meet another milestone.... She rolled over for the first time! The best part (other than the actual rolling) was that I managed to capture it on video. I was watching her, and realized she was getting VERY close, and grabbed the camera... and TA DA, 30 seconds later she rolled over. I've become paranoid about missing these firsts so it was particularly exciting, and it will be nice that even though Steve was at work, he wont miss it! If you told me that Kahlen would be meeting milestones, and doing so wonderfully in June I would have told you that you were nuts. Instead, Im nuts about my wonderful little girl!

Way to go kiddo! I love you!

1 comment:


    ok as a mother of 4 I have NEVER caught any of their firsts on camera!!!!

    Way to go!!!!!!
