Imagine this. It is 7:53. Your child is always in be bed, sleeping in 7 minutes. The new Mario Bros game is prepped and ready to go in the Wii, the beer is cold, and the PJs are waiting warm from the dryer with extra fabric softener. "SWEET!" you think to yourself, just like a grade 8 boy having heard confirmation that his friend actually touched a boob. "SWEET SWEET SWEET!" Only... that kid, doesn't go to sleep. The beer waits, and PJ are donned and quickly, and unceremoniously, covered in drool. The lesson? Life with kids rarely goes as you planned.
The good news, however, is that we all still had a great night.
Kahlen stayed up, but barely! She lay on the floor all snuggled up in the 'nook' of the breast feeding pillow, which happened to be draped in the worlds softest blanket at the time, and gently nibbled on her teething ring. We termed this the "Mario Bros. Coma". She stayed in that coma, silently nibbling away, for nearly 2 hours. It was almost comedic. No. It WAS comedic. There were times when Steve or I jumped up or made a loud noise, just to make sure she was still breathing. She was adorable! I realize this type of stillness might be normal for some babies, but Kahlen NEVER stops moving. NO JOKE. She is like an energizer baby (check out the previous post where I taped her playing for 20 minutes in time lapse. You will begin to understand just how much she moves). So it was a nice break for us, and she seemed to really enjoy the terrible video game playing skills of her parents!
Now the actual game. It was comedy at its finest. I swear we have never laughed so hard in ages. We laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and SUCKED! We were terrible! Horrible! Im sure the beer didn't help our cause. It was the first time since K was born that I indulged, and had 3 whole drinks. Im not ashamed to admit, I was drunk. Ha! Pathetic! But we had a blast and stayed up till nearly 2am. As we dragged out pathetic, tipsy, video game playing asses to bed, we lamented about how K would be up soon and that we would be "sooooooooo tired". As an additional perk to a fun night, we also had a babe who slept for 10 hours. BLISS!
So. If you have a crazy baby, a wild baby, a baby who never stops moving. Turn on the Wii and put that baby in a Mario Bros Coma and enjoy your night!
3 days ago
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