I have been making Kahlen's food at home lately. Its not only cheeper but I really get to see what goes into her food, which I like. She has pretty much refused to be spoon fed as of late, so this time instead of pureeing/mashing her food, I cut them into small finger food sized pieces so she could feed herself.
Todays menu includes sweet potato, potato, carrot, broccoli, pear, kiwi, and baked apple
(the fruits aren't steamed, just baked/diced).
(the fruits aren't steamed, just baked/diced).
I have fallen in love with a baby food storage brand called 'Baby Cubes'. They are small containers, with a snap on lip that holds upto 2 oz of food. They are freezer, microwave and dishwasher safe (a must for me), and stack neatly in the freezer. TA DA, what more could I ask for?

When Im done 'making the food' (which really isn't making anything, just cutting and steaming) I shove the finished products into the cubes. Then label them with some cryptic short hand that only I can understand using a white board marker (so it come off when I wash em).
Ohhhh YUM!
If you want any of the recipes, just leave me a note and I can pass them on. I have a great baby food cook book, but I also love the website wholesomebabyfood.com.
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