Hello everyone,
This is a plea for help. I have been making survival kits for new parents to the NICU (parents of babes 30 weeks gestation and younger) but have run out of donated materials, and personal funds. I am planning a 'spring cleaning' garage sale (Im thinking mid May) to help raise funds to continue this project. The first few weeks in the NICU are heart wrenching, terrifying, intense and exhausting. The survival kit contains the things I found most useful during my first few weeks:
- magazines to help pass the time
- a journal to keep notes/memories
- a $10 visa gift card (for those 'oh shit' moments when your parking runs out)
- a $10 Tim Hortons coffee fund
- aveno baby moisturizer
- tiny onesie for babe (when they are ready)
- reusable water bottle
- and more....
I am inviting you to donate some of your gently used items, as we all head into 'spring cleaning' mode. I am happy to come pick up donations if you are generous enough to donate. This is a really wonderful cause, and you could really make a difference, and get rid of some clutter in the process.
Thanks for your support!
2 days ago
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