Saturday, January 16, 2010

Does My Kid Have A Sleep Problem?

Okay. Flashback. 2 Months ago. My daughter sleeps. She sleeps well. We all sleep well. Really well.

Trip to see her grandma.
A head cold.
Teething (but no freaking teeth... argggg).
Stomach flu.

After another night of trying to calm Kahlen as she screamed and screamed and screamed, tearing my hear into smaller and smaller pieces left me wondering. Is my kid still sick? Am I am bad mom? or does she have a ‘sleep issue’? I hate feeling like I don’t know what I’m doing (right or wrong). I am stuck. I am at a loss. She is tired, possibly even over tired, but only wants to eat and eat and eat and eat and eat to put herself to sleep. I have spoiled her with this form of soothing (but Im the mom of a 25 weeker, and initially this was done to help her get bigger. She was afterall, TINY) and now it seems she may not know how to get to sleep without it. The other option is that after a week of feeling unwell with the tummy flu, she really is hungry and needs the extra food. I am torn. Should I give it to her or not? I err on the side of common sense and figure if she is eating it, she must be hungry. Better safe than sorry, right? I guess the whole experience, the whole production, the whole insane mess tonight just left me wondering. What is going on? I could go round and round and round wondering and pondering about every option, continually beating myself up for not know more (or knowing better)... but I wont... well not anymore. Im tired and I have a feeling K will be up again soon. *sigh*

Am I alone? Or is anyone else out there wondering any of the same things?

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