Sunday, August 30, 2009

G.I. and Stanley Park

While Steve was on his days off we decided to get out and enjoy the weather (before the rainy season starts again). We went to Granville Island and wandered around deciding on what goodies we were going to buy to dinner (fresh pasta, produce, chicken, sausage, seafood, etc...). Then we indulged in some doughnuts from Lees Doughnuts (YUM!), some fudge (caramel chocolate), and eventually lunch (perogies and buritos). I took a quick snapshot of Kahlen and Steve eating lunch on the 'patio'. Both are trying to look super cool... can't you tell (tee hee hee)?

Then we decided to take a walk around the sea wall. I couldn't resist getting a picture of Miss K and I. She is such an amazing little thing!

We walked for a long time, and slowly the sun started to dip and it got darker and darker.

Eventually we walked 'around the corner' and saw a beautiful sunset. Steve snapped this picture of Kahlen and I. I look terrible, but Miss K is a smiley girl. She is too cute! I am such a lucky mom!

At the end of the walk we saw several herons catching diner in the shallows of the 'bay'. I tried to stop and take an artistic shot...good thing I don't take pictures for money eh?

It was a wonderful day with my family. I love my life!

Walks at Rocky Point

In an effort to loose my 'baby weight' I have been making an effort to walk every other day. Kahlen always joins me and is a cheerful and motivating walking partner. Other Mom/Babe combos walk with us when they can and its nice to catch up and get some fresh air.

This is Kahlen and her partner in crime Kayla in their 'big girl' strollers for the first time.

The girls taking in the view at the end of the Rocky Point pier!
Aren't we cute?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Baby of a billion faces!

This is a video of K 'watching TV' and wondering what the heck I am doing with the camera. The thing I love about the video (other than the fact it stars my own Kiddo!) is that you get to see a few of the billions of faces she makes. This kid never stops moving (unless she is sleeping) and has so many facial expressions... Makes me laugh!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Daddy's Girl

The two Loves of my life...Steve and Kahlen.

Daddy and Kahlen watching TV
(shameful isnt it that my 5 month old watches TV? Don't worry though, its not often, and its only dad who spoils her...go figure!)

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I can see my crib from here!

These two are often caught cat napping together.
(*sniff sniff* I rarely get an invite)

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Tally Walk

In the spirit of minimizing my wiggle and jiggle I spend my evening walking with a good friend. We started at Rocky Point Park and walked all the way to the end of the paved trail (wherever that is... I got so turned around!) chatting and tallying all the way.

Pros (forehead tally): good sense of humor, kind, silly, passive (good for bulldozing), good conversation, tries to minimize and reassure my stroller envy, agrees 5 y/o should not be in a stroller with a soother, has an 'adventurous' husband (HA ha ha!), is easy to relax around, is as quirky as me!

Cons (bum tally): inability to keep stroller safely on the trail, suffers from magnetic stroller, apologizes for almost everything, stalks me when I get dressed, has a 'bad' nipple, needs lip gloss for her small lips.

If you have no clue what Im talking about... thats okay... its an inside joke. BUT, if you want to try and figure out who I've been walking with... the game is on!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Smiley Girl

This is my favourite part of the day!
Hopefully Kahlen's smile helps you look past the mess
in the background. TOO CUTE!

I will continue to try and catch her laughing on 'film
...but in the meam time...
watch this one a few more times. Are you smiling along yet?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Kahlen's Home Coming!

Okay, I am a bit late but...
due to popular demand here are the home coming pictures!
I had planned to get all dressed up (hair and make-up) and get K all dolled up but when day 12o finally arrived and we were told we could finally take K home from the hospital I didn't care what any of us looked like... I just wanted to get home and be a family! We decided to walk home rather than take the car because we live right next door.
Looking back it was a nice warm day, sunny, and full of promise.

Thanks for the close-up mom... NOT!

Wow. She is so small here. This picture was taken about 6 weeks ago
and K is now 3 lbs heavier and 8cm longer.

Dad and Miss K standing outside the hospital doors!

Dad walking through the parking lot on our way home.

Almost home...

I know I went a bit overboard with the pictures but
its not every day my amazing 25 weeker babe comes home!

Walking in to the complex... almost home...

At the front door of the building... almost home...

Walking through the front door...

Snuggling my girl. Honestly I couldn't believe we were at home.
No nurses, not doctors, no monitors... just the three of us at home!

Miss K about to go in her crib for the first time.

It took some time to really believe we had her home, and that we didn't need to take her back to the hospital. A dream come true. Brining her home was amazing. Simply amazing!
We are VERY luck parents. We have a VERY special little girl!

Pictures by Carol Kerfoot

Well Miss K is getting big (fast, Eek!) and I wanted to make sure I captured her in print before she got too big. I guess it goes back to the idea that I wanted to have belly and newborn pics taken before Miss K was born. Given her fragile state when she was born, and the fact she was so early, I got neither the belly pics nor the newborn shots. But... K is a regular new borns size in these pics and I think she looks amazing. Makes me weepy to think of how far she has come. Carol Kerfoot took these pics. What else can I say but WOW!

Carol suggested that I feed K prior to the shoot so she was a full, happy, and maybe even a bit sleepy. She fed before, during (3 times) and after and wasn't full or sleepy.

Ha! K is never at a loss for a good face. I swear this child has billions of expressions, most of which make me laugh. What a little ham!

What an amazing little girl. I love this picture!

When I found out I was pregnant I kept hoping for a blue eyed little girl. K's eyes turned dark only a few weeks after she was born, but now I LOVE her deep chocolate brown eyes. There is so much wisdom and experience in those eyes, and so inquisitive (always taking it all in!)

I am the world's luckiest Momma!