My baby is growing up. This week she started clapping, started waving hello and goodbye, and started understanding me when I talk (well Im pretty sure, since she seems to do what I ask her to now). She is quickly changing from a baby to a toddler before my eyes. It makes me a bit weepy, I wont lie, but it also fills me with immeasurable pride. I am a proud momma when I watch her solve problems, learn new skills, and communicate more and more with me. She is my life's hugest joy, which is cliche, but what can I say... its true!
Today I decided that we should try finger painting. Her hand/eye coordination, her finger dexterity, and fine motor skills are so much improved that I thought it might be something she would not only enjoy but also be quite good at. So I searched online for some 'eddible finger paints' (which believe me is a MUST with an 11 1/2 month old) and decided that some vanilla pudding (Jello brand of course) and a few drops of food colouring was the easiest and most palatable choice (most of the other had flour and cornstarch. ICK!)
I rounded up the necessary supplies. A package of vanilla pudding, some food colouring, a few containers to mix different colours in, some paper, and some tape to keep the paper in place.
I put a little pudding in each of the cups and added some food colouring.
I put Miss K in her chair and attached the paper to the tray
(this alone was FUN FUN FUN for her, she laughed her butt off)
I put some puddin' on the page and just left her to her own devices. She was cautious at first...
... but quickly realized that the paint was not only fun... it was DELICIOUS!
and so began the eating, more than the painting. Ha ha ha!
In case you are desperate for a one-of-a-kind Miss K Original finger painting, we are accepting orders until the end of the week :)